Tuesday, 20 April 2010

First Stage Fitness

Any new fitness kick starts off with the same transitional phase. I'm in that phase now. Basically, you start out fat and unfit. Next, you're sore fat and unfit. Doesn't take long to get to phase one, first day is about par for the course. I woke up this morning unable to move my right arm at the shoulder and my left arm at the elbow. I decided rather than the run my new programme called on I'd walk the same distance twice, three times if I could muster up enough enthusiasm... twice it was. Basil loved the extra walk. I had a nice long soak in a hot bath when I got back, and that combined with the miracle of Methyl Salicylate meant I could at least gain some mobility in my arms again, though I still can't lift my right arm even to shoulder height. Serves me right too! Yesterday I did 48 push ups... well, okay 46 the last 2 where so pathetic I can't really count them, but that's more push ups than I've done in a decade, maybe even two decades. To say I'll take it slower and ease into this now is an understatement. I still mean to go ahead, just at a pace more suited to my advancing years and receding hairline. Time to take warm ups and cool downs more seriously too.

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