Sunday, 31 January 2010

The Joys of Country Living

Having moved here (to Avoca, Tasmania) only recently from NSW where I've lived most of my life, there are a few things I haven't gotten used to yet. Bitterly cold and very windy last night, just doesn't seem right to be cold in January. We live in a small town (hamlet, village, you decide) of about 125 people. No letter boxes, everyone in town picks up the mail from the post office. No garbage collection service, the local tip is open on Wednesday from 3:00pm til 5:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am till 4:00pm.

The mosquitoes kept me up all night last night, even after spraying on some repellent. I'm convinced we've got a gang of them from the wrong side of town. These mosquitoes huff the repellent to get high. I was so tired when I got up this morning, I put both feet in one leg of my undies.

As I waited for the kettle to boil, I noticed the cats had run out of food overnight. Rather surprising there wasn't a full scale riot. Loki of course was more interested in getting his water (from the tap) but Lexi was face down in the bowl before I'd finished topping it up.

Realised this morning I'd forgotten to take the garbage to the tip yesterday.

After my first caffeine hit for the day, I went out and played with Basil. Picked about one and a half kilos of cherry plums. We'll make something good out of them later.

Working on my second cup now, read to hit the writing again...

Just submitted a first draft of "Dream Stealers" to my wife. It's just a short piece, needs more work, more colour, not really sci fi, more horror. Added a few hundred words to my work from yesterday so far too and it's only midday so far. We shall see, I've re-written yesterdays piece several times today as well as adding to it. Two steps forward, one back, but at least it's progress.

I have three stories on the go now, well four, but I'm kind of stuck on one of them. I actually started it almost a year ago. But of the three current ones, one is a book, and two short stories. Should have at least one ready for submission some time this coming week.

Surprisingly hot day today, with an even hotter seeming night. The brief storm we had hasn't done anything to cool things down and there are bugs everywhere.

Loki's been watered, Basil's rounded up Lexi (boy does she hate that, but she does look a little like a sheep) time for bed.

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