high past time I revisited this blog. I think I need it to keep on top of things. I'm a chronic procrastinator and I need a prod to keep me moving so what I've come up with is a variation on Jeff Carver's learn at least three things a day idea. I want to make sure I document at least three things I achieve per day as evidence to myself that I'm actually doing things because at times I get a little down on myself for never achieving anything, one of the perils of slow times when you're self employed.
They don't have to be big world changing things. For example, today my list was:
- I've restarted (again) blogging. Something which I quite frankly enjoy but just haven't seemed to have gotten around to.
- I've done a couple of loads of washing that've been waiting for over a week to be done and brought in the washing that's been hanging on the line for the last couple of weeks, it's had more than enough natural re-rinses and airing by now.
- I started the idea of doing this achievement list.
- I've sprayed weed killer on all the thistles and other, now more numerous, weeds around the yard.
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