Sunday, 27 January 2013


I've decided it's time I rebooted the project. My writing has been neglected far too long, and while I do have a lot going on in my life now, I can easily spare an hour or two every day, or at least most days, for what is essentially the cheapest form of travel ever invented. Coupled with my new found determination to spend time writing, I'll undertake to submit to my blog more frequently too. Maybe not daily, but weekly at least.

So, first thing I suppose I should do is a brief situation report since it's been ages since my last regular posts. As you may gather, if you've seen the sparse entries over the last couple of years, I'm now a volunteer fire fighter. I'm also a volunteer with a local SES road rescue unit. In addition to that, my Sydney helper has moved back in with his parents in Mildura, so I'm having to travel up to Sydney every two or three weeks for a few days to do things for my clients that I can't do by remote access. I took a break from my writing (and blogging) while I was applying to the RAAF, but that came to nothing so here I am again. In the wake of all that I've also gone back to University, this time around doing the degree I should have done the first time: Computer Games Design.

Now we're all caught up, time to hit the keyboard.

Stay tuned dear reader, I think I may approach it a tad differently this time too. Rather than submitting my stories to old fashioned magazine type publications, I may just digitally publish. Possibly even in this blog... something to think about for me certainly.

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